Tuesday, January 11, 2011


For those of you who do not know, this is King Julien (beloved character from the Madagascar movies and episodes.) I find him quite hilarious, random, and off the wall. If you are not familiar with this looney lemur I suggest you make his acquaintance so that you can really appreciate what this post is about to offer.

I now present to you Christmas Pictures with my family - narrated by King Julien:

"This was a great idea I had. I must compliment my brain. Good idea, brain. Thanks, I think it was nice that you had an idea that you didn't pull out of your booty. Hey, do not speak ill of the booty! Oh, booty, booty, booty! Be quiet about the booty! You be quiet about being quiet! Fine, then I am not talking to you! And I am not talking to you! Stupid brain."

"Wait. Are you penguins or chickens? This calls for harsh mocking.
Mock! Mock! Mock-mock-mock!"

"The excitement is giving me the tinglies. You! Come here and make the tinglies go away. "

"It makes me feel happy. It gives me a warm, wiggly feeling inside. Like pinworms!"

"It is the most handsomest thing I have ever seen... except for me, which goes without saying, but I said it anyway. Why? I do not know!"

"Did you drop that fuzzy bag of stank into our habitat?"

"You, you are the nicest guy around here. Make me be nice! I command you!"

"Quick, we must flee! You distract them by being eaten!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure...And I'm pretty not. No, no, wait! I'm pretty. Very, very pretty. So pretty! Mort, tell me I am pretty. "

"This is first class. Nothing personal. It's just that we're better than you."

"Come closer! Closer! A little more closer! Wait, okay, that's too close. Take a step back, a little half step."

"Yes! Long have I wanted a box with tiny shouting people inside."

"What? How dare you insult my gloriously peanut-shaped head!"

"Where are you and your booty, which is quite large and usually easy to see?"

"You see, Julianuary is all about the joy of giving... to me! What's so special about Julianuary if everyone gets to have something? "

"Yes, and I hope you learned a lesson of value. To be a bully gets you everything, and I am your very own bully."

"Excuse me, little froggy. I believe you are a little confused. I am the one who is telling everyone what to do. Yes. That is because I am king. However, you can apply for an internship. But until you have been properly internalized, you must cease the bossing around."

"Oh, this is some of your trashy talk, is it? Well, I too can talk of the smack!"

"I like you hideously disfigured."

"Now I shall make you all feel inferior, which is proper."

"Oh, who would leave a perfectly good head lying around?..."I love that happy little head."

"Have I not made my policy on apologizing clear? It is for the weak and wrong."

"What have you done? I'll tell you what you have done. You've gone nutso! It is all celar to me now. You are a mindless monster on a ravenous rampage."

"What's the matter with the guy in the funny hat?
I wish I knew... I wish I knew."


"Until I return with the spoils from the new country - Stevie will be in charge!"

1 comment:

Karrianne said...

BA HAHAH AHAHAHHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! You're right! I LOVED IT! Oh, how I love that King Julien. :)

Oh! MAN! I laughed so hard reading all his quotes. I really need to watch Merry Madagascar though! I feel so behind!