Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Scratch that - make it a day in Rexburg

Big plans, big plans. That's what we had for the last weekend in August. We felt we had to give summer a proper farewell. The original thought was that we would go to Bear Lake with some friends. But....when that kind of fell through for everyone,  there were plenty of other possibilities on our list:

*Spend a day at Lagoon perhaps?

*A trip to the Free Farm with the four-wheeler is always a good time.

*Maybe spare us the drive, stay closer to home, and play around at Rigby Lake?

*We still had that Yellowstone pass that was still good.

*And let's not forget huckleberry-ing!

Basically we had to write down all of our options and take turns crossing off one at a time. No seriously - that is how we decide things.

So the verdict is...Rexburg Rapids and a Drive-In Movie?

It wasn't even on our list! But by the time we got around to actually deciding, we weren't really feeling like driving anywhere. And we did, after all, need to get in our "playing in the water" fix somehow. And since we hadn't been over to check out the phenomenon that is the new Rexburg water park, we felt a need to follow the crowd.

And I do mean CROWD. So many people there, we probably will never go back there on a weekend. Spent the majority of our time in the traffic jam they like to call "lazy river." We only hit the slide once due to the mass volume of those waiting in line to do so. Let's just say, we stayed long enough to see everything. And might I just say that I successfully climbed the slippery rock wall after a few attempts. Harder than it looks folks.

Grabbed a shower, had a leisurely afternoon which involved "little piggy" icecream, and then we were off to the Drive-In Movie. We piled every pillow and blanket we owned along with sleeping bags, foam pads, and an air-mattress into the back of our ghetto red pickup.Talk about PLUSH. We arrived early enough for a great parking spot  --- mmmm, we could just smell those concessions.

We saw Smurfs and Captain America, but mostly I was reveling in the cool breeze, beautiful stars, and snuggling.  

And these are the moments, 
which I shall remember you by.

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