Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Early morning workout

I have learned that it's not always easy to get motivated and get up off the couch when you're 6 months pregnant. Not to do dishes, not to do laundry, not even to fix a good meal sometimes - let alone get to the gym and stay fit! But that little voice in my head tells me that if I do a little here and there, it will be much easier later... I fall for it every time!

Well, I usually take my exercise walks in the afternoon or even late at night. I guess it takes me that long to  talk myself into it - Actually it is because that is the part of the day when I feel my best and have the most energy.

So anyway, last week I was rudely awakened with some serious ninja kicks at early hours of the morning. Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty awesome and miraculous thing having all that movement going on, but while a person is sleepy it can be pretty startling :) Our little one was doing some morning exercise himself (swimming aerobics most likely) and it seemed he was not about to calm down - So that day I decided I would fit in a morning walk and not have to worry about it later on.

As I got dressed, and caught a glimpse of my "physique" in the mirror,  I almost passed out from the shock. I suppose it was the sleepy daze I was still in, or maybe the fitted shirt, but I couldn't believe how big my belly is! It just pokes right out!
I just look down and poof there it is, and I wonder where did this come from? (Don't worry, I know where babies come from... ) I mean, I could have sworn that I was an average size person just yesterday- petite even!
It looks like I am wearing "The Belly" from that movie: Ten Things I Hate About You. You know the one I mean - where the overprotective father makes his daughter strap on a big heavy prosthetic belly so she will understand the consequences of any immoral actions. hahaha

Okay, I realize this is how it is supposed to be, and will consciously and publicly own the fact that I am HUGE. I guess I just have to figure out how to rock this belly and make it look oh so fine - How is this?
Oh well, I tried.

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