Blog Readers : From Where?
Jake and RaNette : Cruise number 4! We know it is getting a little ridiculous...
Blog Readers: Where did you go this time?
Jake and RaNette : Mexico again!
All the hooligans that went with us:
(Front to back. Left side then right side.)
Justin Brough, Karrianne Harris, Me, Boat driver
Blaine Harris, Sarah Brough, Ty Warren Karri Warren
Jake is not in Mexican prison --- he is holding the camera.
Sea Kayaking in Cabo San Lucas was one of our many adventures in the first week of March. Two days after boarding the cruise ship "Mariner of the Seas" - this was our first stop. It took a little while to make a deal with some locals, but we all finally got kayaks for everyone in our little possy and headed out to a mini isthmus that was recommended to us. I got blisters from rowing, but would do it over and over again! The fresh air, the scenery, good buddies - Like the realization of someone's profound imagination. Just around the corner from where this picture was taken was a beach with HUGE waves to play in. No one actually died of fun... surprisingly. We made it back in time to do a little shopping then we stopped for lunch - we were all in the mood for a little Mexican food. hahaha. I held a giant Iguana and had a small one placed on my head. We also walked by a little booth where we saw a baby Jaguar. I really LOVED that - it just seemed so exotic and exciting to me..... This was just one day.
Next stop, Mazatlan. We decided this place was all about the beach, although the highligt for me was the transportation we used to reach the beach. Each couple rented a junky little scooter for the day and we buzzed around to our hearts content. We did find an amazing beach and time stood still for a while as we soaked up the sun. A few in our group floated out far enough to see fish, others hung out right where the waves turned white and crashed onto our backs, and when we were all washed ashore the girls used the sand to turn Justin into a Busty Mermaid. (see facebook later for that picture - you don't want to miss out on that one.) Time caught up with us and we headed back to the ship --- but wait, we only thought our adventures were over for the day. On our way back some of our friends got pulled over by the police for not wearing helmets! Ty spoke Spanish and tried to smooth things over, yet our money was still required. Yup, you read that right.... we paid off some cops in Mexico in order to make it back to the ship on time. Is that funny or what! Funny AND what!
Port number 3 was Puerto Vallarta. Roughly pronounced (pwehr- toe Vie - air - ta)
While getting ready that morning I remember thinking that I could not possibly top the last two days and wondered what awaited us on this island. Wowee Wow Wow Wow. Do you know what we did! We went on 12 ZIPLINES way up in the lush, green, rainforesty mountains. One of said ziplines was a quarter mile long and most of them were death defyingly high. Okay, let me back up. I just can't wait to tell you how amazing this was. We took a van taxi which was kind of cool in and of itself because we got to see some real country-side away from the tourist areas. The driver took us up and up into some beautiful hills and back on the dirt roads for about 45 minutes. Did I mention that the way they drive is absolutely crazy!?! We reached our destination which was the Zipline place. They put our group through a funny tutorial and then like I said before - we went on 12 ziplines. REALLY high REALLY long and REALLY fast. (Actually I was too light and therefore kept spinning instead of going straight like I was supposed to do, and like everyone else was doing.) Crazy huh! We survived ( some more panic stricken than others) then we cooled off by swimming by a waterfall! There was a rope swing and beautiful trees and plants all around us. I actually slid down the waterfall head first! Quite possibly one of my most adventurous days.... um... ever.
We had two more days on the ship at sea before returning to LA. We definitely lived the life of luxury. There were stage shows: including a mind-boggling ventriloquist, comedians and a juggler. There was dancing and entertainment and art exhibits and poolside parties. There was buffets, and fine dining, and delicacies and desserts. It was so awesome to try new foods and have all I could eat of my favorites! Hot chocolate lava cake anyone?
I hope that everyone gets to go on a cruise sometime. Although Jake and I are done cruising for a long while - really. It's true. I just get too overwhelmed and sea sick. We are opting for other vacation options because we just can't handle being so spoiled. (We know we are ridiculous. I sincerely apologize if that sounded arrogant. I would like to add that we acknowlege our inumerable blessings. And we are very happy that we have the opportunities to work hard and play hard. ) Since we aren't planning any more for who knows how long, it was a super bonus that I got to take some of my friends this time! Awww, the warmth of friendship... okay, maybe that warmth was because we were in Mexico. Oh well.
Congratulations if you have made it this far. You have just read the longest blog entry I have ever written. Ta Da! And stay logged onto facebook - I intend to post pictures soon.
FUN! Looks (and sounds) like you all had an awesome time. And for me, jealousy REARS it's ugly head...
How awesome! That was so fun to read. It made me just want to pack up right now and head on a cruise. That's too bad that you get sea sick. I remember you getting car sick when we were little. I'm the same way. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the pictures.
ah.... the cruise.... I really did love it. I'm totally addicted now. I can't wait to go again. Save save save! I'm so glad we all got to go together, that made it so fun! I can't wait to watch our dvd of the ziplines and see everyone elses pictures. Send a cd of yours down so Karri can get them all put together by the time we all meet. She's got mine and Justin is sending his, too.
P.S. I LOVE how you clarified that Jake is not in prison. HAHA!
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