Friday, February 18, 2011


The Blue and Gold Banquet is a birthday dinner for Scouting. It take place once a year in February to celebrate the founding of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910 and of Cub Scouting in 1930.

As Webelo Scout leaders, Jake and I have been involved in planning the shin-dig this year. We were glad to hear that everyone wanted to keep it simple. It was held last night and took the place of our normal monthly pack meeting. Everything came together quite nicely. We invited friends and family of the scouts and enjoyed a bounteous potato bar. And I volunteered to make cake! (I got a little in over my head as it was estimated that there would be 50 people there. Happy Busy Stress Alert!) 

I made three separate cakes all with a blue and gold color scheme. The first was a double layer 9" round rainbow chip cake - because what kid doesn't like rainbow chip? I put a birthday bow on top and springy spirals for a finishing touch.

Next I made a standard 13x9" rectangle yellow cake.I used various sizes of cups and lids to cut out funky fondant circles:

And here is the third one - Another 13x9" yellow cake. Lots of textured stripes! I used the same border I had used on the other two to tie them all together.

Oh yeah, I made cupcakes too. I had quite a bit of extra fondant, so I put them together last minute. I wanted to make them a little fancier, but just didn't have time:

So this project took me ALL day, and they are not exactly professional, but I am getting better! I call this particular trio a success! I have to give some credit to my husband for being patient while I attempt these kind of things. He gets to hear all about my trial and error process, and witness my crazy-person mode. He often wonders why I would voluntarily sign up for such stress-causing endeavors. Then he has to come up with all sorts of compliments to validate me once I have finished :)

The cakes were a big hit, and even though only about 30 guests came, we didn't have to bring much home. Just 1/3 of the funky circles cake. Anybody want to come over for left-overs? Better hurry before I eat it all. 

1 comment:

Karrianne said...

haha! I loved the part about jake putting up with your crazy endeavors wondering why you volunteer for stress-inducing projects that take all day... and then having to come up with compliments to validate all the effort you put into it.

wait a sec.... are you sure that's not MY life you described? that sounds awwwwwfullly familiar. LOL!