Thursday, September 29, 2011

Married to a 30 year old!

He will probably kill me for phrasing it like that... but I can't help it! It is a strange thing to think that I am married to a 30 year old man.

Thirty --- isn't that when you are all grown up and married and have a house and a job and you like music that is outdated . Whoah, it fits!

Or does it? 
 After careful thought I have found a myriad of reasons why Jake does not fit into the "old man" category.

1- Frequently watches cartoons in the morning - while eating his bowl of cereal.

2- Still loves to skip rocks - and does so whenever there is anything remotely resembling a body of water.

3- Very easily entertained - Give him a can of shaving cream to play with and he's good to go!

4- Can still be bribed with ice cream - especially with the right toppings.

5- Throws a bit of a tantrum if he has to go to the doctor.

6- The pretty girls still look his way - I would know. 

7- Makes little boy jokes - you know: poop jokes, fart jokes, butt jokes, and of course burp jokes.

8- Requests Maccaroni-n-Cheese for dinner on a regular basis.

9- BB guns, firecrackers, whoopee cushions, comic books, and don't forget his awesome slingshot!

10- He can get away with taking off his shirt while mowing the lawn - without causing the neighbors to be repulsed by old man saggy wrinkles and what not.

Besides, does an old man do this on his birthday? 
 Or how about this?
He's lookin' pretty youthful.

We had a very adventure filled weekend in St.George to celebrate this milestone - and though one might argue that it was a retirement community, we didn't exactly hang out with that crowd.

We were able to meet up with his older brother to do some hiking in Zion's National Park.
Joshua and  Kansas
 Found some sweeeeet picturesque waterfalls, canyons, and caves to explore.

Jake and I in the narrows

We also ate at a fantastic chinese restauraunt, Spent a little time at the pool, and basically had a few days to follow his every whim. And he passed the test by mostly choosing adventurous things. Not the usual things one would expect an old man to pick. (See photo album for further proof of said adventures)

So as much as I  love to give him a hard time about this 30th birthday thing (see picture)...
  ...I just cannot in good conscience call him an old man quite yet.

Hey Honey, 
Thanks for turning 30 before me. 
Here is to staying spry!
Love you like crazy

1 comment:

Karri Warren said...

Oh my gosh, you guys are the cutest couple ever. It shows in your writing how much you love your hubby. :) I love that you guys still have so much fun. Keep that youth alive for the rest of your lives you will die young at the ago of 110! :) lol.