Monday, February 6, 2012

Had ourselves a Merry Little Christmas

We had such an outstanding Christmas that it has taken me over a month to recover and get around to blogging about it! Oh poor neglected blog...
For me, Christmas morning this year was all about opening our "gender reveal envelope."  I had an ultrasound done on December 22nd, and we had the Doctor put the results in a sealed envelope. It was only a few days to wait, but it was so hard not to peek!

All of the Pre-Christmas activities provided pretty decent distraction - We spent our time at the farm and also with their neighbors. Lots of good people, good food, and good times.

I was particularly happy about attending the Christmas Eve Dinner at the Jones' residence and to participate in their yearly tradition --- We each write down a goal for the coming year and put it in their "Gift to Jesus" stocking. Then when we all get together the following year we read what we wrote and tell everyone how successful we were at carrying through with our specific gift. I admit, Jake and I usually kind of forget and fail - but last year Jake and I had written "Start a Family" on our paper and I was happy to report that we were doing just that!

So after much cheer, present exchanging, and fudge eating we went back to the Free Farm. It was pretty late and I decided to skip the puzzle this time. (Usually I stay up until I finish a puzzle, a tradition from my own immediate family.)  We were sleepy, and so it was not too long before we went to bed....

But did I sleep at all? Nope. This was probably the first time in 10 years that I had this much anticipation built up for Christmas morning. I tried and tried to sleep, but I woke up at least once every hour and just laid there. I finally got up about 5:30 and had some Lucky Charms to pass the time. I paced around a bit and tried one last time to go back to bed. Sigh... Is it time yet!?

I believe it was about 7:00 when I came down stairs and started being purposely noisy so that everyone would get up! I know we are all adults, and we should have been sleeping in - but I wasn't about to wait until after church to open this thing... my sincerest apologies to the Free family for my bratty behavior. And so I called my parents, and the event commenced. Here is the video for your viewing enjoyment: (Disclaimer: remember that I am supposed to be chubby, that it is early, and that we are probably all still on a sugar high from the previous night.)

Mom: "Good Morning. What's happening over there?"
Me: "I got everyone up and I am holding my envelope"
Mom: "Let me go get ShaNae." (my little sister)
Me: "Okay"
Me: "Went to get ShaNae up - it might take a minute"
Vickie: "Now aren't you glad you waited for all of this?"
Me: "No." [in a grumpy sarcastic manner]
Me: [excessively fidgeting with the bow]
Me: "She's kind of like Heidi. It might take a minute. poke poke!" [referring to how hard it is to wake them up sometimes.]  
Richard: "This is the phone call. She's gotta get up."
---Pause in Recording while we wait
Me: "Here we go. I took off the bow."
Mom: "What color  was it?"
Me: "Red"
Me: "Ok. Here we go I'm nervous....." [I really was nervous, and acting so weird!]
Vickie: "I can tell"
Me:  "BOY"
Everyone:  "A BOY!" ... lots of happy laughter.
Richard: "Oh wow. It's a boy."
Vickie: "It's a boy."
Me: "I can't really tell in the picture...but it's a boy.... oh YEAH I can."
Jake: "YES you can."
Me: "That's his cute little bum." Sigh....
Richard: "Oh wow. That's exciting."
Vickie: "And that's what they were hoping for."

We were indeed hoping for a boy (although I can't imagine we would have been any less enthusiastic about a girl.)
 Here is a close up in case we haven't invaded his privacy enough:
And so we are VERY excited about welcoming this little man into our home:
As we arrived at church many of the neighbors looked at us inquisitively and awaited the news. We had worked it out the night before so I would give them certain signals.  If it was a girl, I would twirl my hair and if it was a boy I would flex my muscles. So there I was entering the chapel and flexing my muscles... hehehe.The meeting was excellent and there was a special joy in all of us. (And quite a bit of sleepiness as well- my bad!)
Christmas night we all gathered once more and enjoyed another present exchange. Lots and lots of crazy kids running around, as well as a lot of quality chatting. We were so spoiled and blessed.
...And as if that wasn't all we could have ever asked for, Jake and I had our own Merry Little Christmas when we arrived back home the day after Christmas. A late lunch at Olive Garden, a few gifts for each other, and hot chocolate by the glow of Christmas tree lights.

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