Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Raspberry Patch

Jake heard mention of some raspberry starts that were up for grabs - he pounced! He loves himself some berries straight from the bush! We have never been much for gardening... heck, we can barely keep our lawn mowed...but for raspberries we might just get our green thumbs in gear.

We selected a section of dirt behind our garage that sees some sun and some shade, rented a tiller for an hour, and voila` - Jake got the ground ready. We had lots going on, and really didn't have time to plant that day, but we didn't want to wait and risk the roots dying and drying out. So in the dark of the late evening we put them in by flashlight. ha! Good times we have.

There are just two little rows, but they look great! We might even have berries by the end of summer! Thank you Goss Family for your contribution to our little raspberry patch.

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