Wednesday, July 25, 2012

So EGGS-ited I could have DYED!

Due to scheduling conflicts (and because I just couldn't wait any longer!) the annual "Crazy-Awesome-and-Extremely-Eccentric-Easter Egg-decorating-day" took place the weekend before Easter.
ShaNae came to stay with me in Rexburg and we got our artsy pants on. First it was the eggs - they are of course the highest priority. Pictured above you will see her awesome assortment on the left and my crazy collection on the right.
Next we iced a few sugar cookies - a must for every holiday if we get the chance. I won't tell you which ones are mine and which are hers, because frankly they are all embarrassing.
 Then we had a brilliant plan to get baby in on the holiday hullabaloo. He must be initiated into these Traditions early.
We even got Jake to participate. He cleverly disguised my outie belly button with a purple polka dot. I guess the thought of having permission to draw on me with markers was motivation enough - he would have preferred permanent I think, as he usually does in marker wars... But that's another story.

And here is the grand Easter Egg in all its glory. We just wanted you to feel included little guy :)

For the actual Easter weekend Jake and I spent a few days in Mink Creek with his parents... and the EASTER BUNNY came. No one expected him to show up, since we are all grown ups, but I guess he wanted to introduce baby to the holiday while still in the womb as well! Candy eggs spread out on the floor, a few hidden eggs scattered about, and a "basket" for each of us.

RICHARD- An organizer full of office supplies for tax season, a giant roll of duct tape, some rope,etc.
VICKIE- A Flower pot with gardening gloves, pastel dish cloths, chocolate, and a video about Christ.
JAKE- An ammo can containing a knife, Big Bang season 4, Phineas-and-Ferb fruit snacks, electronics cleaning wipes for his new laptop, and a new shirt!
NESS- My childhood basket sitting on top of a new body pillow. I also got some nice ankle socks, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves on DVD, and a new skirt.
BABY- Lots of healthy food for Mommy to eat, and a little book called bedtime stories.

And as much as I enjoyed it all,  I vow it will be the last time I travel before baby comes.

We had a really peaceful Sunday and had time to reflect about the life of Jesus Christ and His Atonement.
 I know our Savior lives and loves us, and am ever more grateful for this testimony. Here is a little tidbit I wrote down...

Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer;
Death is strong, but Life is stronger;
Stronger than the dark, the light;
Stronger than the wrong, the right...

 I love Easter. The crazy traditions, the family time, the bright colors, the blossoms of Spring, and who can forget the cadbury eggs. But most of all I love the reminder of RENEWAL - I know that through the Atonement and the Resurrection, I am given the opportunity to start fresh. My life has meaning and direction because of the sacrifice my older brother, Jesus Christ, made for me. I love being reminded of this at Easter, during the Spring season and... every week in Sacrament Meeting for that matter. I am grateful that I can renew my covenants so often, and really feel the love of the Savior from day to day.

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