Wednesday, February 8, 2012


"Oh what do you do in the winter months, when preggy is feeling blah....Do you fish in the pond, or take time to bond, at a girls camp called Ka-Ra-Ri!? Is that what you do? So do we!"

Okay, so you probably don't don't do that, but just so you know - It comes highly recommended.

It has been quite some time since I spent some time with friends... I mean, besides my husband and without him there. I guess it is because his charm is all I really need in this world ;)  And really, I have never been known to take part in slumber parties, girls night, and the like. But guess who coordinated and hosted this event at her house!?

.... yup, it was me.

It took place on the last Saturday in January, and began when the three of us (Karri Warren, Karrianne Harris, and myself) met up at Olive Garden in Idaho Falls. Soup, Salad, Pasta, and Breadsticks - YUM.

Then on to my house where I had set up "camp" in our basement. Why indoor camping you ask? Well, I don't really know where that came from, but it sounded like a good "themed" get-away to us!

We settled right in and true to a "girls camp" experience, things got rather eventful rather quickly.

I had set up a pond (actually my blue snuggie spread out in a circular fashion) which contained a variety of paper fish. With staples in each fish, and a magnet on the end of a fishing pole, we proceeded to take turns catching these little fishies.Each one had an "Activity" on the back,  and so the pond decided our fate and the order in which we did things at camp. And oh the delights they had in store for us.

At this point, I think I will let the pictures speak for themselves - as I am found speechless and don't quite know how to explain:
Sticker Tattoos
Belly Dancing Lessons
Stand on your head while singing a camp song
Paint a mustache with yogurt and lick it off
Suck your thumb for the next 5 minutes
Hey! Macarena!

Switch pants and sing Karaoke!
 You can call us spastic, crazy, juvenile, and strange for that is how we felt --- but it's not all that strange to need a good laugh now and then, right?

So after we had completed each of our tasks (including making friendship bracelets, marshmallow target practice, decorating pillow cases, and kissing a poster???) it came down to two final fishies. It was Karrianne's turn and then mine. Since, I was the one who wrote on the fish, I knew one of the things that was left that no one had caught yet. I really did not want to be stuck with it at the end, so I hoped and hoped Karrianne would fish it out...... and she did! whew!

Who knew it would be
so painful and hard to do?
And finally, in agony, the deed was done!

Somehow Karrianne managed to get the large majority of super unfortunate tasks - must have been in honor of her Birthday! It wasn't really her birthday, but only a few weeks away and we figured it was close enough:

Mmmm.... Oreo pudding dirt cake with gummy worms!
There was some late night "girl talk", and a little clean up before we crawled into the tent for the night. Sleep Sweet my friends.....

Commemorative Pillow Case
 Morning came pretty fast, and of course we slept in, so when we finally got up and going we had Crepes for brunch! Oodles of fresh strawberries, some nutella and powdered sugar. Mmmmm, delish! I was a little preggy sick for a few hours after, but I can't tell you how good I felt in spite of it. It does a person good to be surrounded by those who we trust this much:
 Thank you THANK YOU friends for coming to camp.

"The life given us by nature is short, but the memory of a life well spent is eternal."

1 comment:

tod_emily said...

What a blast! I sure need a girls night like this! What a fun idea! Ranette you are very creative!

p.s. loved your chirstmas card! Sorry we didn't end up doing one this year otherwise I would have sent you one too!